Yoga stretch includes light and easy full body stretches for beginners on muscles stretching and joints flexiblility.
Yin yoga refers to the poses are held for longer time in order to the stretch the connective tissue around the joints and bring the practitioner to a state of mental calmness.
Stressful life coupled with bad postures, resulting in discomfort shoulders and neck pain. With the aid of tools, students can focus on stretching and increasing the flexibility of the chest and shoulders, backbending, twisting and other actions, which help to correct body posture, relax the waist, back, shoulders, neck and arms, and reduce pain symptoms.
Tight muscles in the lower body can easily cause various pain symptoms. During the process, the instructor assists the students to use tools to focus on improving hip mobility, through stretching, can help you reduce pain for those suffering from lower back pain.
Deep stretch includes yoga postures for deep stretching of body combined with breathing patterns which facilitate deep stretch. It helps to restore elasticity of fascia, enhance blood circulation, smooth lymphatic flow, and enhance body flexibility.