Enjoyce 每一位導師全都曾接受專業訓練,都對瑜伽充滿熱誠。每次下課之後,導師亦樂於與學員分享練習的經驗和心得,這將有助學員深入認識瑜伽運動。導師風格均有不同,輕鬆愉快,風趣幽默,專注沉穩,節奏緩慢快速,各有不同,同學可以在Enjoyce 找到適合自己的導師。
All instructors at Enjoyce are professionally trained and are passionate about yoga and fitness. After each lesson, our instructors are happy to share their experience with our members. These interactions help our members to gain a deeper understanding of yoga & fitness practices. Collectively, our instructors cover many teaching styles, they are very often fun and lighthearted, member-focused and dedicated to their arts. At Enjoyce, all members should be able to find a suitable instructor who resonates with their styles and preferences.